Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Create Photo, Video, & Audio Sharing Accounts

Here is my Youtube profile , Flickr profile and SoundCloud profile

There is no doubt that YouTube and flicker can be great instructional and motivational tools as they offer learners the opportunity to learn while doing. YouTube and Flickr would also enhance the ability of instructors to implement contextual based instruction by creating videos and graphics that can explain the subject matter in the context of learner’s culture and social environment. Further, as learners create video and observe themselves, there is a chance that their metacognitive and communication skills could be improved as learners would be afforded the opportunity to take an objective and critical look at their performances. While  teaching , I never used YouTube or Flickr and, today, I probably would  never allow students to post video or graphics of themselves or their classmates.  There are also identity thieves and others criminals  who are working just as hard as instructors to update their online crafts.  

Although I think the emphasis today is on visual learning with the creation of videos and PowerPoint presentations, there are just as many audio learners who would benefit from programs like soundcloud . I have observed students who struggled in the traditional classrooms where there were no real attempt to create interesting and engaging audio learning stimulus. Yet, many of these same students could be overheard discussing the lyrics of popular songs, analyzing and articulating the authors’ open and hidden social, economic and political massages. If I knew that soundcloud or any audio sharing websites existed,  I would have ,certainly, asked my high school world history and US history students to use soundcloud  to research sounds from the Vietnam war or other historical  period to create sound collages and use theses collages to analyze the mood of the nation. I do not think history can completely be understood without addressing the affective domain. The roaring 20ty cannot be fully understood without listening to the upbeat jazz music and sounds of that period, Nor, can the great depression, that followed ,be fully understood without listening to the downbeat music and sounds of that era.



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