Knowledgeable of web 2.0/social media programs and how to synthesize them into meaningful learning experiences that guides learners into meeting the goals. Proficient using web 2.0/social media to create an interactive learning environment that allow adult learners the flexibility to take control over their learning experience. Effectively and efficiently applied web 2.0/social media to different learning theories to create instruction based upon the needs of a variety of learners. Able to demonstrate the use and learning benefits of web 2.0/social media to learners with varies degrees of internet/ technology experience.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Fun Group Project
I selected both of these video because they were produced by college students and they were inexpensive to create. They are funny and timely. Our class could easily use them as examples and with a little created writing produce an equally funny video. These videos are funny yet convey serious social and political messages about current issues, gun control and the increasing gap between the rich and poor. Using humor as a means of instruction might be effective. Learners are entertained while they learn.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Geotag photos
Rarely does any one person capture the full picture. Geotag
and Photosynth offer methods to fill
in the blanks. As an educational tools, learners will have the opportunity to
example historical scenes, works of art, and scientific models, etch from all
angles. Also, One of the problems with taking photos is that learners can get
so wrapped up in trying to capture the moment that that they miss the
significance of the event. As Photosynth software become popular, learners can
take fewer photos and concentrate on the events, knowing others in the crowd
are clicking away. EXIF data is probably useful for Photoshop experts,
and collecting GPS data is also probably a useful and a desired feature. However,
users should be able to easily turn off EXIF
data that they deem violates their rights to privacy.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Tie the Worlds Together
saw Facebook posts about groups meeting at St Andrew's Catholic Church to make bag
lunches for the homeless. This was nearby in Apex so I thought that this would
be a great way to complete this assignment, do a good deed and have a reason to
get up on Saturday morning. After
replying to a few posts and instant massaging to get more details, I decided to
give it a try. I told my wife about
going to church and she thought I was dying since I have not mentioned church
since I was married in one 23 years ago. Although still agnostic, I found
this to be a great experience and plan to regularly participate in this program.
Individual Project
Most local
law enforcement officers and educators did not need the recent N.C. Governor’s
Crime Commission to point out that there is an increase in gang activity in our
schools. I have worked in federal; local law enforcement as well as a teacher
in a title one school. I have interviewed hundreds of at risk students, gang
members and other criminal offenders. I have come to the conclusion that the
solution to crime cannot be found in court rooms, jails or prisons. Judges,
police officers and prison officials has less impact on crime than parents, principals,
guidance counselors and teachers. If society is to be made safer, it will be
the hands of dedicated educators and engaged parents redirecting students
toward a brighter future. My project would be to create a blog where parents,
educators and law enforcement official could brainstorm and share information
and ideas to reduce gang membership. Members would join where they would brainstorm new
ideas. They would be encouraged to blog and post their ideas on other social media outlets
like Facebook and Twitter. Ultimately, members would be encouraged to form
community groups in the real world to address the problems of gangs in their
What license would YOU use
My great thing would be a video tutorial of how to determine and locate sex offenders in your community. I would provide it as a purchased download, with the restriction that it could not be copies, distributed, sold or leased. I would have a statement in which the purchaser had to hit “agreed’ to obtain the download. The statement would include an agreed penalty (dollars) that the purchaser would be liable for if the restrictions were violated. I would license the tutorial as a business venture and would expect a large market of parents. If a particular geographical area was in the midst of high pedophile activity, I would unrestrict the license and allow community distribution.
There is an abundance of “cool” clips and information on the media site Youtube that have no restrictions. There are some clips on YouTube that have restrictions as the site allows a content holder to restrict viewers by various means (by state, country, domain etc.). Alternatively, there are many clips on YouTube that are set for renting and are accompanied by user restrictions. These providers are seeking economic gain and rightfully so. Of the clips in which the providers set as unrestricted, one of my favorites is “dog eating peanut butter.”. v=4Ri5cszSKEg The provider likely shared this document for pure entertainment purposes or in hopes of making the “most watched” list or even more so, making one of the network morning shows as did my favorite above.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Attempt to Embed your content in other locations
This was not difficult to complete. It is
easy to embed Html code into a Google blog. The HTML code was readily available
in Soundcloud and Flickr. YouTube is a part of Google so embedding it in a
Google blog was only a click.
Join SLED and attend one event
I assumed that Second Life was just a game with little educational value but I
am beginning to understand how second Life works as I found Rutgers Island,
Rutgers University where there is a virtual walking trail that provides
instruction. Also there are many YouTube videos that provide instruction on how
to use Second Life. I
joined the mailing list at and did an
educational tour of Williamsburg with the Virginia Society for Technology in
Education. I can see how learners in second life can emerge themselves into the
subject matter and learn by role playing. I also learned about Sloodle,
a free and open source project which integrates the multi-user virtual
environments of second life and created an account. Like Second Life, it is
going to take some time to learn how to navigate the landscape and make use of
all of its features to create instruction. With this generation of gamers, who
spend half their lives playing xbox or play station, it well worth the effort
for any educator to take the time to learn to how to create instruction in Second life.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Create and use a couchsurfing account
Here is my couchsurfing profile.
Like Facebook, Couchsurfers create profiles to attract users of
similar interests. Unlike facebook, Couchsurfers are rated by other Couchsurfers . This was
designed as a safety feature to weep out undesirable surfers. Couchsurfers can have their
ids and addresses verified bythe website, another safety measure. This is
intended to increase the likelihood of Couchsurfers finding hosts. With over five
million registers surfers in several different countries, Couchsurfing has grew
since Casey Fenton, in1999,
came up with the idea after travelling from Boston to Iceland and finding
shelter with University of Iceland students whom he had previously emailed.
Still, In a more perfect world, Craigslist users should not have to be worried about being robbed by criminals who placed bogus online ads to lure them into traps, but there have been reported robberies and even homicides of Craigslist users. My gut feeling of inviting stranglers over to spend the night might be inviting trouble. Still, I am reluctant to be too critical of couchsurfing. Couchsurfing does provide a worthy public service by finding hosts for people who become homeless as a result of natural disasters, and I have friends who met their spouses online. These marriages seem to fare no better or worse than marriages of people who met in a traditional way.
Perhaps Couchsurfing will eventually have as much impact on the world as Facebook and Twitter had on the Arabs Spring. In this period of globalization, perhaps the kindness of strangers is what the world needs to further tear down the walls that divide us.
Perhaps Couchsurfing will eventually have as much impact on the world as Facebook and Twitter had on the Arabs Spring. In this period of globalization, perhaps the kindness of strangers is what the world needs to further tear down the walls that divide us.
One of the most important lessons that I learned in this class
is that social media, web 2.0 and the web technology that follows has the
potential of improving education opportunities in every school. Social media
make it possible to put a quality, well qualified teacher in every classroom
and home and thus improve opportunities in the most socially and economically disadvantaged
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Blogging Course Feedback/Self Reflection
This course really started off
uncomfortable. I never felt comfortable making a video of myself. I always
preferred to be the guy behind the camera. Initially, I did not understand the
first assignment. Why was I being asked “what causes the seasons/temperature
differences on earth thru the year?” What has this to do with social media?
Late, I would learn the relevancy of the question as I read the Private
Universe Theory. As the course progressed, I learned terms and concepts such as
social bookmarking, and crowdsourcing. I discovered web 2.0 sites, like
Wikiquotes and Wikivoyage, that I
also never knew existed and gained an understanding of how these sites could be
used to promote e-learning. I never blogged before this class and now I am
thinking of creating new blogs. I have to admit that I never got a handle on
Second Life. I read an email and logged on at the specified time but was unable
to connect. I did not know whether to run or fly. This class required more work
than I expected. Before the start of this class, I read reviews from former
students and this class was supposed to be a breeze. While this class is not
difficult, it is time consuming and far from being a breeze.
Over the past two years, I have been
on light duty status, worker compensation. my goal is to obtain a certificate
in distant education and use it to obtain employment in a community college in
order to avoid sitting home on disability popping pain killers. While I can no
longer shoot a weapon from the prone position or risk having to defense myself
or other against an offender, I can still work. This class exposed me to a lot
of unfamiliar information. After this class is over, I will review sites like Wilkiversity
to learn more. More importantly, this class opened my eyes to some of the tools
available to create instruction for today’s students and thus has helped me
toward my achieving goal.
I read the blogs of the
students in this class. Most are far more familiar with social media. Perhaps,
it is generational. My children grow up playing the Simms and probably would
not have a problem with Second Life. Perhaps, it is the result of teaching in a
title one school in Baltimore where most students lacked computers or access to
the internet that I saw no need to learn social media sites to create
instruction. Still, one of the most important lessons that I learned in this
class is that social media, web 2.0 and the web technology that follows has the
potential of improving education opportunities in even the most disadvantaged
school districts by making it possible to put a quality, well qualified teacher
in every classroom and home.
More research should be conducted in the use of social media in
underachieving school districts, solving the digital divide might make it as close as possible that
no child is left behind.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Review Wikimedia
Wikiquote is great. There are quotes from John Locke to
John Foster Dulles. Today’s undergraduate English composition students must
love this site, it great for teachers too. Using quotes could be the attention
getter in Robert Gagnes’ nine events of instruction. Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote
No people on earth can be held, as a people, to be an enemy, for all
humanity shares the common hunger for peace and fellowship and justice. ... No
nation's security and well-being can be lastingly achieved in isolation but
only in effective cooperation with fellow-nations. I think this is a great quote and sums up the dilemma in countries like
North Korea and Iran. I would ask my students if they agree with Eisenhower
and if so to ponder whether it is justifiable to punish the citizens of such
nations with sanctions or war when the real enemy is their governments. Quotes
can also be the ninth step, enhance
retention and transfer in Gagnes’ nine events of instruction. At the end
of instruction, a powerful relevant quote could be used to help students encode
the material into long term memory as well as retrieve it at a later date.
Wikivoyage offers a starting point where students can
learn about regions around the world. Travel
topic range from car camping to visiting famous cemeteries. There are also star
articles about different locations that have been competitively selected as the
best the website offers. As with most other wiki sites, this is my first visit
but I will not be my last. I learned that the Antarctica is
driest continent on Earth, despite all the ice. The winter
temperature at the South Pole can plummet to -80°C (-112°F). There is a great deal to be learned from this
site, and there is a need for wikivoyage and
similar websites A recent poll revealed that nearly
one-third of young Americans couldn’t locate Louisiana on a map and nearly half
were unable to identify Mississippi. Additionally, a poll of Americans between
the ages of 18 and 24 revealed that 6 in 10 couldn’t find Iraq.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Create Photo, Video, & Audio Sharing Accounts
Here is my Youtube profile , Flickr profile and SoundCloud profile
There is no doubt that YouTube and flicker can be great instructional
and motivational tools as they offer learners the opportunity to learn while
doing. YouTube and Flickr would also enhance the ability of instructors to implement
contextual based instruction by creating videos and graphics that can explain the
subject matter in the context of learner’s culture and social environment. Further,
as learners create video and observe themselves, there is a chance that their metacognitive
and communication skills could be improved as learners would be afforded the opportunity
to take an objective and critical look at their performances. While teaching , I never used YouTube
or Flickr and, today, I probably would never allow
students to post video or graphics of themselves or their classmates. There are also identity thieves and others criminals who are working
just as hard as instructors to update their online crafts.
I think the emphasis today is on visual learning with the creation of videos
and PowerPoint presentations, there are just as many audio learners who would
benefit from programs like soundcloud . I have observed students who struggled
in the traditional classrooms where there were no real attempt to create interesting
and engaging audio learning stimulus. Yet, many of these same students could be
overheard discussing the lyrics of popular songs, analyzing and articulating the
authors’ open and hidden social, economic and political massages. If I knew that
soundcloud or any audio sharing websites existed, I would have ,certainly, asked my high school
world history and US history students to use soundcloud to research sounds from the Vietnam war or
other historical period to create sound collages and use
theses collages to analyze the mood of the nation. I do not think history can
completely be understood without addressing the affective domain. The roaring 20ty cannot be fully
understood without listening to the upbeat jazz music and sounds of that period,
Nor, can the great depression, that followed ,be fully understood without listening
to the downbeat music and sounds of that era.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Social Bookmarking
Until now, I never knew social bookmarking was available. I can
see why it would be useful to have a place to store links that can be accessed from
any computer with internet service. Learners at work or always from regular
used computers could easily located websites previously booked marked. Usually I
just email myself links to websites of interest. Although I might be behind the
time and there might be a better way to accomplish this task, I still think
this is a valuable tool.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Understanding Wikipedia and Wikimedia
I would encourage any learner to use Wikipedia as a starting point and I think that it
is alright if the information has some flaws. Investigating, discovering and
correcting flaws can be a great learning method and can be motivating as learners
gain a sense of self worth correcting others. I never used Wikipedia or any
wiki before this class. However, as this class continues and afterward, I will
revisit the help menus to learn more about editing, linking and adding content.
If I ever find myself teaching high school to adult students again, I definite
will use this as an instructional tool for I believe adults learn better when
they are allowed to construct their own knowledge in a flexible collaborative environment.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
1. Class definition:
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
A format for encoding a picture pixel by pixel, designed for transferring images on the Internet, not for professional-quality print graphics.
Updated definition:
PNG is a raster graphic file format. A raster graphic file format is a dot matrix data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color (bitmap) that supports lossless data compression (class of data compression algorithms that allows the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data) PNG was created as an improved, non-patented replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) -- a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987
2. Class definition:
Web Mashup:Updated definition: A mashup, in web development, is a web page, or web application, that uses and combines data, presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create new services. The term implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open application programming interfaces (API) and data sources to produce enriched results that were not necessarily the original reason for producing the raw source data. The main characteristics of a mashup are combination, visualization, and aggregation. It is important to make existing data more useful, for personal and professional use. To be able to permanently access the data of other services, mashups are generally client applications or hosted online. In the past years, more and more Web applications have published APIs that enable software developers to easily integrate data and functions instead of building them by themselves. Mashups can be considered to have an active role in the evolution of social software and Web 2.0. Mashup composition tools are usually simple enough to be used by end-users. They generally do not require programming skills and rather support visual wiring of GUI widgets, services and components together. Therefore, these tools contribute to a new vision of the Web, where users are able to contribute. |
3. Class definition:
e-book: | |
Updated definition:
An electronic book (variously, e-book, ebook, digital book, or even e-edition) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book, but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated e-book readers or tablets using e-reader applications. Personal computers, many mobile phones, and nearly all smart phones can also be used to read e-books.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Web 2.0 and Social Media --Wordle
To Fedsys:
Dear Sir:
I am attaching a resume for your preview for the instructional
technology position in Afghanistan. As you can see by my resume, I am a
graduate of the federal law enforcement training center, Georgia with advanced
firearms training at the federal facility in New Mexico. I have additional firearms and self-defense training
with the state of New Jersey and the state of North Carolina. Also notice that I have
several years of teaching experience in Baltimore City Public School System as well as Baltimore
Community College. I earned a Master’s of Science degree in instructional and curriculum
Currently, I am working on completing a graduate
certificate in web-based distance learning. I
have completed several graduate courses in which the focus was on working with web
2.0 tools and learning how to use them as instructional tools. Web 2.0 tools can be used to construct a virtual community where your employees can interact, share their
ideas and experiences. This interaction will allow your law enforcemt advisors to learn from each others experiences in their efforts to develop more efficient and effective methods of training Afghan police and police forces around the world.Web 2.0 Logo
I used flaming text to create
this logo because it is completely free for personal and
academic use. Logos can be animated and the code is provided so the users can embedded
logos into their personal websites. There are plenty of options are provided and the site
is easy to use.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Explain web 2.0 to your grandmother
Web 2.0 is an
internet dynamic platform that that allows users to be consumers of information
and well as creators of information. Web 2.0 is the futile landscape where
virtual communities can form and strive. We travel around this landscape on
keyboards to construct knowledge by interacting with others near and far.
Collaborating using web 2.0 tools, such as blog or video sharing tools, is
revolutionizing the field of education and training. Perhaps, Web 2.0 is the
engine of social changes as knowledge can no longer confined or blocked by
national borders.
Web 2.0 is like
when you and your sister Betty get together and gossip. You tell a story, Betty
adds to the story and your nosy neighbor comes over and disagrees with you both.
Finally, you all put your stories
together and come up with an official truth. Web 2.0 is like that but it includes
millions of people like your sister and nosy neighbor talking on the computer. They share stories, tell lies, argue over who
is right and somewhere in all this is the truth. Grandmother think of web 2.0 as a T.V that you
can talk too and you are talking junk about the Red Socks but remember other people with T.Vs can hear you screaming and they also have the ability to call the Yankees out.
Web 2.0 is just a people
all across the world gossiping.
Web 2.0 is an interactive format that allows learners to
contribute as well as consume information. Web 2.0 is dynamic and offers a
wider prospective than traditional methods in that users can hyperlink to many
different points of view. In essence,
web 2.0 is a community of minds around the world .
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Crowdsourcing & Human Computation
If Google were a nonprofit organization motivated to
serve the common good, I would not have a problem with them using games that takes
advantage of individual vanity, pride or some other unfulfilled psychological need to exploit labor out of the unsuspecting. There is no doubt
that Google provides a public service to people across the globe, but one must
keep in mind that Google primary goal is not to provide millions with email
accounts, messaging services, etch but to make a profit. It is great that Google
found a way to make what would ordinarily be boring and weary tasks fun and
exciting but they are still tasks. There are those who labor at these tasks for
over 20 unpaid hours per week. If one discovered a way to make flipping burgers
fun and exciting and opened up a restaurant, would one be justified in pocketing
all the profit simply because the workers enjoy flipping burgers? The federal
and state labor departments would not think so. We are in a period of time where
laws have not caught up with technology. Crowdsourcing might one day find its way into the lexicon
of America Jurisprudence
Although Google is stealing labor, technology is
still being advanced. Exploiting these workers will make searching the web for
information more efficient and effective. The field of artificial intelligence might
even be advanced. Still, these achievements could still occur without the
exploitation. Crowdsourcing can be good and allow mans’ to revel in altruistic pursues.
Working for a nonprofit organization playing a similar game as ESP is not
exploit if the profit of ones' labor was used to fund cancer, aids, etch research.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Private Universe
Socrates knew centuries ago that teaching involved guiding learners though their misconceptions. By methodically exploring and dispelling misconceptions, Socrates was able to help learners’ modify their defective mental modes. With social media, a modern day Socrates’ influence would extend far beyond Athens .
It is far easier to hold onto concepts that one has already worked to encode into long term memory than to go to the process of modifying or encoding new mental modes into long term memory. If I were not a ship captain or planning a long trip, in the middle ages, it would have been far easier to just believe that the earth was flat than to try to grasp the concept of living on a sphere. Social media makes it difficult to hold onto misconception because ones beliefs are constantly being challenged. The same concepts are stated over and over by different persons, some in more complexity or simplicity than others. The concepts can be examined in text, video or audio and more often than not linked for further explanation. We all live in our own private universe, but it is a universe that being invaded by social media.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Wesch - Thinking Differently, Doing Differently
Web 2.0 and Social Media-- Blog
Video 1
Text used to be linear, static and passive. Today digital text is multi-dimensional, dynamic, and active. Using digital text, learners can independently construct their own understanding of the world by linking to a variety of competing opinions. Learners are more freely able to randomly access instruction. Learners can go back and forth selecting parts of the instruction that is relevant or needed and skip parts of the instruction already mastered. Instruction is individualized. The individual has the freedom to choose what he needed to know to achieve his goal. Learners are no longer prisoners of instructors’ biases who consciously or subconsciously select text books that are in alliance with their own political and socioeconomic viewpoint. Digital text, especially hypertext, affords learners a method to seek clarification of complex ideas by linking to several different sites where the ideas might be expressed better. In essence, learners are now in control of their own learning experience.
Digital text can link video, audio and graphic files that expand the depth of understanding but more important, digital text has the potential to link minds to minds. Ideas proffered have the potential of standing on their own merits without being prejudged due to the race, sex, sexual orientation, etch of the originators. Digital text might do in a few years what thousands of years of social evolution has failed to do-link humanity to humanity. A six grade kid in the southward of Newark might discover that he is not unlike a six grader in Beijing, China or Russia, for education can no longer be confined within the walls of a loud underfunded classroom nor does it ends with the ringing of a school bell. While there will always be a need for classrooms, gone are days when what comes out of instructors’ mouths is the gossip according to the local board of education. Instructors can no longer assume what they say will not be instantly goggled and challenged by learners. In the past, instructors were education commanders who took control and guided learners to the official version of the truth. In the future, instructors will serve as facilitators who set the stage and unleash learners to discover their own truths.
Video 2
While we have the technology, it is not being used to its fullest potential. There is no need for students to be sitting in that classroom at a specific date and time scheduled months in advance by school administrators. With the current technology, students could optimize instruction by individually selecting a date and time in which they are in the right frame of mind to receive instruction. Instruction no longer has to be spoon fed to students in a series of sessions that does not allow them to pause and rewind at their whim. Instead of sitting in uncomfortable chairs in crowded classrooms, Students now have the option to lie in bed or chose any spot of their likings and receive instruction on their laptops or even cellular phone.
Virtual classrooms are also cheaper to maintain than traditional ones. Research has shown Virtual classrooms to be just as effective. Web 2.0 offers a mean that allow talented instructors to reach a wider group of learners than possible in traditional classrooms. The interactivity and the flexibility of web 2.0 and future technology will eventually move the bulk of instruction out of classrooms and into homes and offices where learners will be readily access the information at optimal times. Children in low socioeconomic school districts will no longer be held captive in low performing neighborhood schools. Web 2.0 and future technology will make it possible for quality teachers to be in every classroom as well as in every living room. Technology is the hope for the future.
Virtual classrooms are also cheaper to maintain than traditional ones. Research has shown Virtual classrooms to be just as effective. Web 2.0 offers a mean that allow talented instructors to reach a wider group of learners than possible in traditional classrooms. The interactivity and the flexibility of web 2.0 and future technology will eventually move the bulk of instruction out of classrooms and into homes and offices where learners will be readily access the information at optimal times. Children in low socioeconomic school districts will no longer be held captive in low performing neighborhood schools. Web 2.0 and future technology will make it possible for quality teachers to be in every classroom as well as in every living room. Technology is the hope for the future.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Charter school
teacher needed with web 2.0/Social Media experience
He or she must be able to teach in the
classroom as well as online using the latest in instruction technology and pedagogical
methodology. He/ she must be able to use web 2.0/Social
Media to create contextual and interactive instruction that is complies with local,
state and federal guidelines. He/she
must be able to keep pace with new and developing changes in web 2.0/Social
Media and appropriately incorporate these changes in the classroom and/or online.
I was a Baltimore school teacher for several years. I taught
in one of the poorest areas of the city. With a recent back injury, I am
thinking about teaching again. I will always seek to teacher in a title one
school so my objectives are as follow:
Learn how to use Web 2.0 and social media to
develop instruction that is interactive and engaging.
Learn the history of Web 2.0 and social media and how they are evolving
as instructional tools.
Learn how
Web 2.0 and social media might be used to take advantage of students’
different learning modalities.
Standing at the gravesite of one of this
nation greatest educators, Booker T. Washington-- the founder of Tuskegee University.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Web 2.0 and Social Media-- Blog
I am excited about this
class because I enjoy producing videos and publishing them on the web, and I
enjoyed watching the introduction videos posted by fellow students. I have a
busy life and the slow pace of the class is fine. The world has changed so much
in the last couple of decades; more people meet their mates in social media
forums than in traditional ones. Social media contributed to the Arab spring, and
continues to be used as a political tool around the world to give voices to those
seeking their inalienable right to be free.
There is no denying the potential use of Web 2.0 and Social Media
in developing effective instruction. In The Republic, Plato concludes that what people call
truths are merely shadows
projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them. They negotiate meanings to
these shadows and call their negotiated meanings truths. If knowledge is negotiated social constructs, the
effective use Web 2.0 and Social Media has the potential issue in a new era in
human understanding by expanding learning communities, providing more diverse input.
So as this class progress, I look forward to learning the technology and how to
effective use Web 2.0 and Social Media to facilitate instruction.
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